Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Walkout to pushup
360 Sumos
Reverse lunge
Split-squat jumps
Walking plank
Crabber (down)
Bear crawl (back)
Tabletop w/ SL abduction
Surfer get-up
Bird dog in plank
(Modification: Bird Dog)
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Lateral squat jumps, alternating (10 T)
Inverted shoulder press (5-10)- 10 T
(mod: pushup w/ alt shoulder taps)
Plank reps (1 min)
Burpee with pushup to skydiver (combo) (10)
Long jumps (out)
Prisoner walk (back)
Spiderman pushups (8-10T)
Bucking donkey (5)
Prone OH Push-pull (15)
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
A2A squats, to...
Corkscrew push-up
Walking plank
Oblique crank
Rev lunge
Frog pumps
Scissor kick w/ arms OH
Split-squat jumps
Diving dog
Double crunch
Finisher: *1 min scramble*
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Leg crank
Spiderman pushups
Glute bridge, reps
SL Glute bridge, reps
Walking double-lunges
Long jumps
Walkout to frogger w/ shoulder taps
Skater jumps
Scramble (1 min)
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Skater jumps
Reverse lunges, alternating
Split-squat jumps
Sprint (down)
Sprint (back)
Walking plank
Mt. climbers
Side plank, reps
360 Sumos
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Walkout to pushup
Skater jumps
Jumping jacks
Prisoner walk
Side plank, reps
Cross-body mountain climbers
Surfer get-up
Pop squats
Glute bridge and jab
Long jumps
Diving dog
Bucking donkey
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Lateral shuffle to squat thrust
Mountain climbers
Pop squat to burpee w/ pushup
Single-leg dead lift
Reverse lunges, alternating
Split-squat jumps
Sprinter crunch
Long jumps
Inverted shoulder press
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Reverse lunges, alternating
Split-squat jumps
Star burpee
Narrow-Regular-Wide pushups
Oblique crank (alt ankle reach)
Glute bridge, reps
Pop squats
Walking plank
Diving dog
(modifier: tricep pushups)
Finisher: 1:00 min scramble
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Front to back lunge
Pushup to...
...step up (or knee drive):
Bicycle crunch
Mt. climbers
Jumping jacks
Burpee 'mile'
10 down
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Walking lunges w/iso-laterals
Pushup to Mt. Climbers (1x4)
Lateral push-pull squat walk
Burpee to Tuck jump (pushup optional)
Oblique crank
Superman, alternating
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Leg crank
Spiderman pushups
Double crunch (if no bench, reverse crunch)
Tricep pushups
Walking double-lunges (out)
Backpedal (back)
Walkout to frogger w/ shoulder taps
Prone breast-stroke
Jumping jacks
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Squat jumps
Pushup to superman, alternating
Mtn. climbers
Bicycle crunch
Curtsy lunges
Pop squats
Skater jumps
NRW Pushups
Tuck jumps
180 burpees, alternating (AMRAP: 1 min)
Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!
You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch!
Pushups to YTA’s, alternating
Plank jack to jumping jack, alternating
Lateral squat-walk w/ burpee
Surfer get-up
Jumping jacks
Walkout to frogger (shoulder taps optional)
Glute bridge, reps
360 Sumos, alternating